Is grass a vegetable? Yes, grass definitely come under the category of vegetables. Grass are commonly used and applied collectively to plants in the case of all plants, including flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, etc. What kind of food is grass? Grass are seeds that are called "grains". Their are different types of grains that are small, hard and dry and can be easily stored, measured and transported, making them ideal food sources unlike other food crops such as fresh fruits, roots and tubers. Related Topics How often do you water newly planted vegetables? Watering once a week i How vs better than spraying every few days. Prefer Seedlings over established plants in dry climates, as they require more water until they develop their root system. Should you water vegetables every day? Vegetables, bedding plants and many perennials have more shallow root systems and require more frequent watering, some daily -- especially in temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit... ...